Merriment at Meadowlark


Last Friday, the staff at Meadowlark pulled off an exciting Toy Give away to make the holidays brighter for local families. Due to the tremendous support of the Indianapolis Colts, IMPD, Crime Watch Specialist Steve Talley, Indy Parks & Recreation, MPs Towing, Gold Seal, Councillor Michael McQuillen, LeDeana Brown of Midwst Leak, Young Kano, MRC ent., REV-UP Volunteers, over $4,000 worth of toys, food, clothes and stuffed animals were distributed.

On Christmas Day, Kountry Kitchen donated 100-plus meals to residents and guests.

Meadowlark passed out 350 toys at the event. The Colts donated $2,000 in Meijer gift cards that were used to purchase gifts and clothing for children. Leak Magazine provided toys, refreshments and took professional quality pictures for residents who posed with Santa. Meadowlark will receive a CD of the event as well!

Special Task Force, Avachino Reves, Gold Seal, IMPD, Steve Talley, Indy Parks & Recreation, MPs Towing, Councillor Michael McQuillen, Young Kano, Liz’s Kids and MRC ent. all donated several gift cards, a plethora of toys and entertainment for the event.  Jorge Gomez, Meadowlark’s Groundsman, also brought in his DJ equipment to play holiday tunes and provide a party atmosphere.



Pictures, Thank You posters and Thank You cards will be sent to each of the organizations and individuals that participated in making this event successful.

We are proud of our Flaherty & Collins team, as many Meadowlark staff members spent their Christmas at the property with their families and the residents.

Thank you to all of you for generous support and dedication to the residents and property!